If you are not satisfied with the quality of a translation you receive on hyperlingo, our first recommendation is always to contact the translator. In most cases, the translator will be happy to work to address your concerns and make changes as needed.
In the event that a translator provides sub-standard work and is unwilling to fix problems, you cancel a job at any time. To do this, click on the Job Menu button that appears in the top-right hand corner of every job and click 'Cancel Job'.
The job will then be cancelled and moved to your job archive, which can be found in the Manage Jobs area.
We encourage buyers to first work with translators to try to address any issues around quality before cancelling jobs. If you do decide to cancel, you will have the opportunity to leave a rating and feedback for the translator but will not receive a refund for your deposit. Please see the hyperlingo Terms and Conditions of Translation Service for more details.
If you get stuck, open a support ticket.